Food Facts

Grapefruit is an excellent source nutrients. Grapefruit is a good source of vitamin C, pectin fiber, and the pink and red hues contain the beneficial antioxidant lycopene. Grapefruit helps lower cholesterol. The fruits low glycemic index is able to help the body's metabolism burn fat.

• Grapefruit pectin fiber binds to cholesterol and prevents it from forming deposits along artery walls.
• Grapefruit pectin fiber slows carbohydrates from entering the bloodstream, which reduces the rate at which sugars are absorbed. This helps maintain blood sugar levels.
• Like all fiber, grapefruit pectin fiber is beneficial to colon health, adding bulk to stool and helping it pass more easily through the intestinal tract. Grapefruit pectin fiber can prevent hemorrhoids.
• The powerful antibacterial, grapefruit fiber will fight bacterial infections, internal fungi, and other harmful parasites.
• Warning:
Grapefruit pectin fiber can interfere with the enzyme responsible for metabolizing certain prescription drugs, leading to possible toxicity. Some of the medications at risk include cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, blood pressure medicines, the antidepressant Sertraline, Valium and Viagra.

Personal Notes:
Grapefruit pectin fiber has a low glycemic index, which helps maintain blood sugar levels. Fiber takes longer to digest which helps burn fat and increase your metabolism.

Stabilizing your blood sugar:

cinnamonCinnamon– 1 tsp. of cinnamon daily. Add cinnamon to your yogurt, fruit, etc. to stabilize your blood sugar level,enhance the flavor and make you feel better.
proteinCarbs and Protein– when eating carbs always have them with a protein to reduce your Glycemic Index rating. The process of digesting protein burns a significantly greater amount of calories than does digesting other foods.
Fiber– The higher the fiber content of a given food, the less effect there is on blood sugar. For example, the Glycemic Index rating of white bread is 70 and yet stone-ground whole wheat bread has a rating of 53. The Glycemic Index rating for raw grapefruit is 25, but the rating for unsweetened grapefruit juice is 48. Fiber is slow to digest and it absorbs water so it makes you feel full.
good fatsGood Fats Fat is the last thing to be digested in the body so when you add fat to food, it slows down the affect on blood sugar. It is much better to eat toast with butter than without. Good fats are found in nuts, seeds, olives, avocados and vegetables.
Drink Lots of Cold Water– If your body is dehydrated, it will not burn fat efficiently and it could lead to sugar cravings and fatigue. Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of cold water a day. Drinking cold water can burn off an additional 9.25 calories as compared to room-temperature water.
Bran– the outer layer of the seed that contains most of the seeds fiber. Germ– the sprout of the seed has the concentrated source of nutrients. Endosperm– the bulk of the seed or the kernal that has small amounts of vitamins and minerals.
• Eat more Fiber– (soluble fiber) oats, rye, chia, barley, prune juice, plums, berries, bananas, apples, pears, broccoli, carrots, jerusalem artichokes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and onions. (insoluble fiber) whole grains, wheat, corn bran, nuts, seeds, flax seed, green beans, cauliflower, zucchini, celery, raspberries, black berries, and skins of tomatoes, potatoes, and onion.
A Note about Fiber–
Fiber adds bulk to your diet to make you feel full. It moderates your blood sugar levels, by slowing the absorption of glucose. Fiber reduces risk of heart disease. Fiber speeds the passage of foods through the digestive system. Fiber alleviates constipation, and reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.
Daily Fiber intake: Adults 18g. on average. The Needed Amount of Dietary Fiber: Adults 20-35g, Children: age of child + 5g per day (4 year old= 9g per day)
5 Most Fibrous Foods: legumes (beans lentils peas), wheat bran, prunes, asian pear, quinoa greens.
A List of different legumes– (peas, soybeans, peanuts, soy, lentils, beans)

Adzuki beans (red oriental beans)
Anasazi beans (ho-made refried beans)
Black beans
black eyed peas
chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
Edamame (green soybeans)
Fava beans
Lima beans
Kidney beans
Soy nuts
Reduce the gas factor: change the water several times during soaking. Don't use the soaking water to cook the beans. Simmer beans slowly until they are tender. This makes them easier to digest. Be sure to drink enough water and exercise regularly to help your gastrointestinal system handle the increase of dietary fiber.
Meatless Protein Options– eggs, milk, cottage cheese, tofu, seitan
Meatless Main Meals– Lasagna, soup, pasta, bean taco's
In your diet emphasis: Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and healthy fats. 1 meat serving is the size of a deck of cards.

Wheat Gluten:

Wheat gluten (Seitan)– is a food made from the gluten of wheat , also called the “wheat meat”. It is surprisingly similar to the look and texture of meat when cooked, making it a popular meat substitute. Seitan is high in protein.
 Asian restaurants often use seitan as a vegetarian mock meat, and seitan is also the base for several commercially available products such as Tofurky deli slices. It has the ability to take on the texture and flavor of meat.
Wheat gluten (seitan) is an alternative to soybean-based meat substitutes such as tofu. Some types of wheat gluten have a chewy and/or stringy texture more like that of meat than most other substitutes.