
Successful Home Gardening:
I am attending a gardening class. The class is being taught by Gordon Wells (  I would like to learn some good information before I plant my own garden this season. I am really excited to start a fruit and vegetable garden. Having my own garden is something I have always wanted.

Planting my own garden will help me to have:
 Money to Save – it's much cheaper than buying produce at the store 
• Better Quality Food – the produce tastes better and it's fresher
• Better Variety – there are many better tasting varieties that you can plant in your garden, that you can't find at the store
• Food Storage – there are many vegetables (carrots, beets) that will hold in the ground for many months during fall and winter. Squash, onions and potatoes will keep for 6-8 months in a cool dry place.
 Family Activity – working in the garden with your children is a good way to spend time together. It's a good way to teach your children how to enjoy the fruits and vegetables that they worked  so hard to care for.

I need to prepare a place in my backyard, where I would like my garden. 
Preparing for my Garden:
1– I need to mix the soil (sand, silt, and clay) to get the perfect Loam (sandy loam). My soil mixture should include soil from the area. 

Organic material worked into the soil will improve my soil.
• Leaves (walnut, redwood trees, and manure are toxic to fruits and vegetables)
• Pete Moss
• Grass (weed & feed kills leaves and Dandelions-good for your grass, not good for your garden) only spot spray if using grass as an Organic material for your garden. Fertilize your lawn twice a year.
• Sawdust is good if used in the Fall so it will break down by next spring.
– Return everything to the soil. Carrot tops, corn stalks, and cobs, and generally whatever plant parts are left in the kitchen should be accumulated and returned to the garden. Only diseased plants should be eliminated.

2– I need to fertilize properly to reach the best PH. 
3– I need to plan for the amount of sunlight my garden will receive.
4- I need to water my plants correctly.