Friday, August 20, 2010


Grapes in UTAH?
Grape plants don't require much space, and they are drought tolerant.

#1 grape variety-Niagra White and Concord Grapes
#2 planting location and trellis plan- North side/ 1 trellis stand/ 3 wires/ 6 vines
#3 pruning plan every year- Cane Prunning System

Trunk: is the permanent stem of the plant, and it connects the roots and the stems.
Shoots: are the immature, soft stem growths of the current growing season. Shoots arise from buds on wood stems that are one or more years old. And they bear leaves, flowers and fruit.
Renewal Spur: created by cutting back a 1 year old cane to 2 buds. Look for canes coming off the trunk near the wire on your trellis.
Fruit Canes: 1 year old woody stems produce fruit for 1 season and are removed the following spring.
Trellis: Grapes must grow on a trellis to be productive. Place a stake and post to start establishing the trunk.
Dormant Plant/Growing Plant: If you buy a dormant plant, cut it back to buds, or if you plant a growing plant later in the season, tie the longest cane to the stake so it will become your trunk.
Buds: Sit on the fruiting cane and they send out shoots that have leaves and fruit.

During the Summer: shoots will grow from the cane that you have used as the trunk. When you prune next year, select one of the shoots to go along each wire on the trellis.
Trellis Plan-
2 wire trellis = 4 canes
3 wire trellis = 6 canes
Tie these shoots to the wires on the trellis, then cut them back so there are 10-15 buds on each cane. If the vine is robust, leave more buds, and if it is not growing as well, cut it back so it has fewer canes.

Once the cane fruits, it cannot produce fruit again. During the dormant season determine which canes are to become the renewal spur with 2 buds, then remove all fruited canes. As to make room for the new fruiting canes grown the previous year.
Grape vines are pruned very heavily as much as 90% of last years growth.

Varieties: American or American/European Hybrid 150-160 frost free days.
White/Green Seedless: 
Lakemont-hybrid has large clusters
Inter Laken-hybrid ripens early, berry drop
Himrod-hybrid loose clusters, ripens early
Red Table Seedless:
Canadice-hybrid large high quality
Suffolk red-hybrid excellent flavor
Blue/Black seedless:
Venus are large with excellent flavor
Reliance are cold and hardy
Juice Grapes Seeds:
Concord are very popular
White Juice grapes:
Canada Muscat ripen early
Niagra are large clusters and excellent flavor

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